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Carrot and rosemary pesto


This translation has been done by an automatic system, therefore we apologize if it isn't perfect. If you find any mistake or you have any suggestion for a better translation, please contact us.


For 4 people:
2 carrots (medium)
a big branch of rosemary (only the needles, of course)
1 clove of garlic
pine nuts (or other nuts)
salt and pepper
oil just enough to get a cream


Put the ingredients in the blender with a little oil and ... go on!
Add more olive oil until you have a soft cream exactly like a basil pesto. It is amazing.

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(Thanks to Fabio)

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per formare una crema avrei dovuto usare moltissimo olio,cosi ho aiutato il composto anche con un pò d acqua.
in piu ho aggiunto pomodorini e qualche foglia basilico..fresco e delicato!

- clau -

Velocissima ed ottima! Diminuendo un po' l'aglio è piaciuta moltissimo anche alla mia bambina!

- sil -

Ottima idea! ! ! Ne avete di fantasia. Siete fantastici

- Nadia -

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