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Spaghetti with red radicchio


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For 4 people:
400 g spaghetti
400 g radicchio (trevisano or Chioggia)
2 cloves garlic


Clean the radicchio and cut into strips.
Boil the spaghetti in salted water and roslate fried garlic and chilli in the meantime with three/four spoonfuls of oil.
When it is shortly to drain the spaghetti, sauté the radicchio in the pan with the rest of the sauce for a few minutes, stirring often.
Drain the pasta in a bowl and toss with the sauce piquant with radicchio. Serve immediately.

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io aggiungo delle noci tritate e poi faccio sfumare con un p? di vino rosso, infine verso la pasta nella padella e la faccio saltare. grazie.

- cate -

di solito al posto dell'aglio uso la cipolla e al posto del peperoncino uso il pepe nero. provate!

- lucilla -

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