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Avocado salad


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1 avocado, olive oil, salt, lemon, 1 or 2 heads chicory, 100 gr. corn, a few leaves of fresh basil, some parsley, some leaves of lettuce


Choose first a ripe avocado: should be soft and firm, the skin should come off easily and the Interior must be of an intense green colour. If the Interior is black it's tastier, while if it is light green and hard is immature and doesn't know anything. To peel it should first cut it in half (careful to the core, which is very big and hard), then into quarters, and then peel it. The avocado slices are cut into cubes and season with oil, salt and lemon, otherwise they become dark. Wash one or two heads of chicory, chop it finely, add 100 gr. about tender corn beans (also exists in box) and if you like even a few leaves of fresh basil or parsley. Stir the diced avocado and serve on lettuce leaves.

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(Thanks to Parama Karuna)

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insomma manca di quel qualcosa in più! forse basterebbe un po' di salsa agrodolce oppure del peperoncino fresco

- indovina -

Per un 'insalata invernale, in luogo del l'insalata belga aggiungere radicchio rosso , fagioli borlotti ed un po' di cipolla bianca tagliata sottile.

- tiziana Zanella -

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