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Valtellina pizzoccheri with potatoes and spinach


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For 6-8 people: 500 g of pizzoccheri-500 g potatoes-500 g spinach (even frozen)-500 ml soy cream-salt-pepper


Bring to a boil salted water in a large pot and cook the potatoes-peeled and diced previously-and spinach.
After about 5 minutes (or, in the case of frozen ones as soon as they are well separated the spinach), add the pizzoccheri.
Cook for another 12-15 minutes (according to the instructions on the packaging) and drain.
Put in an ovenproof dish and add 500 ml of soy cream, season with salt and pepper and mix thoroughly.
Bake for about 10-15 minutes in a hot oven and serve!

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For a preparation even faster, you can avoid passing in the oven with the use of cream and serve the pizzoccheri with potatoes and spinach straight into soup plates, dressed with a little olive oil and a sprinkling of nutritional yeast flakes.
Also, as an alternative to spinach, you can use the cabbage or rib.

Thanks to Emanuela Barbero, webmaster of Vegan3000 and author of vegan cookbooks

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ciao! questa ricetta la conosco molto bene dato che mia madre è valtellinese..questo piatto era fino a 50 anni fa il piatto più diffuso nelle case valtellinesi, un piatto povero...comunque nella ricetta originale si aggiunge anche aglio, verza, bietole e un paio di foglie di salvia. Ed io eliminerei la panna di soia.

- isabella -

Grazie Isabella per i tuoi suggerimenti! :o)
In effetti la ricetta proposta vuole essere diversa dall'originale, così da poter gustare i pizzoccheri cucinati anche in altri modi. Grazie comunque per i commenti, sempre graditi! :o)

- Manu di Vegan3000 -

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