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Yule log with chestnuts


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500 gr of chestnuts-1/4 cup of vegetable oil-80 g sugar-1/2 l milk – 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract-50 grams of dark chocolate


Bring to a boil the chestnuts and cook for ten minutes, then drain and, armed with a knife and a lot of patience, peel them carefully. Place them back in the pot, cover with milk and bake another 10 minutes, until they are soft. Now put them in a blender until pureed. Put it back on the heat and add the oil, sugar, vanilla and half chocolate flakes reduced; Let go over low heat, stirring to prevent the puree from sticking to the bottom. When the mixture is thickened, remove from heat, pour into a special mould (long narrow box-shaped) lined with baking paper and let cool in the refrigerator for a few hours. Then remove the socket from the mold and cover with the remaining melted chocolate in a double boiler. Now put in the refrigerator and allow to solidify the chocolate.

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Ho provato la ricetta così com'è scritta e assolutamente è impossibile che si possa far venire un tronchetto in quanto l'impasto rimane troppo molle. Quindi l'ho riciclato come dolce al cucchiaio servito in una terrina con lo strato di cioccolato in cima a fare da tappo e l'impasto sotto.

- Anonimo -

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