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Curry lentil cream


This translation has been done by an automatic system, therefore we apologize if it isn't perfect. If you find any mistake or you have any suggestion for a better translation, please contact us.


125 g of red lentils broken-200 ml water-1 small onion, peeled and finely chopped-25 g margarine (or-alternatively-a little olive oil)-2 tbsp curry-salt/pepper-tomato sauce (optional)


Wash the lentils and cook until they are tender and have absorbed all the water (20-30 minutes); then mash with a fork until you reduce them to puree.
Meanwhile, fry the onion in the oil (or margarine) until it is soft, and add the curry; fry another minute or two.
Embedded in mashed lentils, add smells to taste, and set aside to cool.

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Volendo si può aggiungere anche un po' di purea di pomodoro, nel qual caso il tutto è buono su panini con cipolla e pomodoro freschi.

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io ho aggiunto del peperoncino...e messo un pò più di curry rispetto a quello indicato...buona, ma potentemente piccante:)

- valentina -

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