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Water cake


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150 ml water
40 ml corn oil
250 g flour 00
150 g sugar
1 packet of yeast
peel and juice of 1 lemon


You're on a diet but you don't want to give up a slice of cake? Here's the perfect recipe!
The famous water cake, soft and light, easy to prepare.
Great for those who want to enjoy something sweet without sinning.

Pour into a bowl the flour, baking powder and sugar, add the grated lemon peel and stir.
In a saucepan, heat the water, turn off the heat and add the vegetable oil, stir and pour this mixture into the bowl.
Emulsify with a hand whisk or supply: you must obtain a fairly liquid and smooth.
Now add the lemon juice and take a last mixed.
Pour the mixture into a baking pan of 22 cm lined with parchment paper and stir with a spatula.
Bake the cake for 40 minutes at 170°.
Once out of the oven let cool and if you want to sprinkle with icing sugar.
You can serve this incredibly light cake with a jam of taste you prefer.

Try it and you won't regret it, with just a few ingredients and simple steps you will get a delicious dessert.

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Thanks to Buongiorno.it

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la dieta... con la farina 00 e con lo zucchero... la vedo poco :-) magari con farina di grano duro e albicocche secche ammorbidite nell'acqua e tritate... sono la solita rompiscatole...

- marcella -

È possibile anche nella versione integrale...cioè con farina integrale o di altri cereali ? In qs caso quali dosi usare per gli altri ingredienti (es olio)? Grazie

- Alessia -

Alessia, non abbiamo provato a prepararla con altri ingredienti. Se qualcuno vuole cimentarsi, saremo felici di condividere i risultati delle sue sperimentazioni! :-)

- Lo staff di Vegan3000 -

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