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Zucchini stuffed with beetroot


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For 2 people
2 green Zucchini
2 beetroot (100 g each)
100 g of stale bread
qb rice milk
2 cloves garlic
red pepper to taste
salt to taste
a small handful of breadcrumbs
extra virgin olive oil to taste


Put in a bowl about 100 g of stale bread and let it soak in milk of rice.
In the meantime, wash the zucchini, cut the ends and cut them in half lengthwise like boats.
With a small knife or melon baller if you empty them of the pulp.
Now put in the mixer the pulp of Zucchini, a diced beet (I buy often precooked vacuum packed) cream soaked stale bread, which in the meantime became gruel, garlic, pepper and salt.
Take a spin at maximum speed and the filling is ready.
Now use a spoon to fill the zucchini, sprinkle the surface of each boat with breadcrumbs and a drizzle of olive oil and bake in oven for about 25 minutes at 150° (if you use parchment paper avoided singes various and annoying).
While cooking the second sliced beetroot with potato peeler and make petals for guests to garnish. The result is shown in the picture.
You could also add the tofu that I have not put only because he had at home.
Good vegappetito!

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Thanks to Alin - ilmercanteverde.it

Ottime queste zucchine farcite che si preparano nel giro di mezz’ora, cottura compresa. Avevo due mini rape rosse (altro nome delle barbabietole) che languivano nel frigo e allora ho pensato bene di utilizzarne una per la farcitura e l’altra per guarnire i piatti.

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