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Polenta biscuits


This translation has been done by an automatic system, therefore we apologize if it isn't perfect. If you find any mistake or you have any suggestion for a better translation, please contact us.


300 g of corn flour for polenta
100 g brown sugar
100 g raisins
zest of 1 lemon rind
1 pinch of cinnamon


Heat 1 litre of salted water in a pot for polenta.
Rain poured the flour and cook for 40 minutes stirring often.
To prepare a Traditional polenta faultless, requiring at least 40 minutes baking in a copper pot and be stirred continuously does not form lumps, recommend the use of the electric pot for polenta.
Put to soak the raisins in a bowl and cover with water.
When the polenta is ready, remove from heat and, when it is still falling and soft, add sugar, raisins soaked and squeezed, the grated lemon rind and 1 pinch of cinnamon.
Stir vigorously for a few minutes, mixing all ingredients.
Roll it out on a baking sheet covered with waxed paper forming an advance streets of about 2 cm thick and let it cool.
Cut it into strips a few cm and then sticks similar to cookies.
Brown in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 180° c.

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- nadia -

Questi biscotti sono buonissimi, non credevo! Pochi ingredienti e un ottimo risultato. Se si usa la farina di mais fioretto, come ho fatto io, i tempi si dimezzano, la polenta cuoce in circa 20 minuti

- Anna -

Io credo di aver sbagliato qualcosa, anche se non capisco cosa perché ho seguito la ricetta senza fare sostituzioni. I "biscotti" sono stati più di 40 min in forno e sono rimasti molto umidi e appiccicosi. Se avete qualche suggerimento lo accolgo volentieri. Grazie

- Elisa -

Elisa, prova ad utilizzare la funzione ventilata del tuo forno: questo dovrebbe aiutare ad asciugare l'impasto e a renderlo meno appiccicoso.

- Lo staff di Vegan3000 -

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