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Eastern style leek soup


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For 4 people:
1 head of cabbage salad
1 sprig of shamrock
1 bunch of parsley
3 leeks
4-5 fresh basil leaves
2 tablespoons kuzu
wholemeal bread, sliced


Sliced leeks and chopped salad, shamrock, the parsley and basil.
Grease a pan with a little tamari and skip the vegetables, then add one cup per person of cold water and a little salt, then simmer in a pot for 40 minutes.
Meanwhile toast the slices of bread.
Dissolve the kuzu in half a cup of cold water and pour it slowly into the soup, stirring constantly.
Simmer for another 5 minutes and serve on slices of toasted bread.

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Difficoltà: bassa
Tempo di preparazione: 50'
(Ricetta Buongiorno.com)

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