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Bread (homemade)-(2)


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1 Kg of wheat flour (the flour)
4 cups (about 150 ml each) of warm water
4 teaspoons of salt
4 teaspoons of sugar
1/2 cube of yeast
a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil (optional)


Prepare the flour on the table. If you have problems you can also use a large bowl where you can knead.
Dissolve in a glass of warm water the Middle cube of yeast and add it to the flour.
Proceed the same way with the salt and sugar.
Once you add 4 cups of water to start working the dough should be soft but not sticky.
Help with small additions of flour.
Work for at least 10-15 minutes.
Obtained a smooth ball make it rise covered with a towel in a warm place for two hours.
He spent the two-hour rework the dough and after placing it on the baking tray, after having made a cut on the surface, cover and leave to rise again for two hours.
Before the end of the two hours turn the oven and take it to a temperature of 240 degrees.
Bake half and cook for about half an hour, after which it will lower the temperature to about 190 degrees and you will cook for about 15-20 minutes.
At this point the bread is baked.
It is clear, however, that just because the ovens do not work in the same way, everyone will need to adjust the recipe with practice, as I did at the beginning.
I'll be happy to give you further details in the case were unclear. I still wanted to say that this is a very reduced number of leavening, but those who want and above all had time can make more leavening, the bread is even better.

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Questa è la mia ricetta, che naturalmente provvederete a ritoccare in base al vostro gusto e al funzionamento del vostro forno.
(Ricetta di Bruna, tratta dal quotidiano C@c@o di Alcatraz del 1° Novembre 2003)

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Grazie. Per il pane fatto in casa, succede che quando questo va in forno, si sgonfia notevolmente mentre io mi aspetterei un leggero aumento di volume! Dove sbaglio oppure qual'é il segreto? Grazie ancora

- Nevia -

attenzione se vuoi fare piu lievitazioni e non usi farina forte si squalglia il tutto

- franco -

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