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Pastiera with tofu


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Dough: 250 g flour, 110 g of margarine, 50 g of sugar, 1 lemon, 1 tablespoon of baking powder, 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, rice milk to taste.
Filling: 200 g of tofu well smoothie, 1 handful of raisins, 1 tablespoon pine nuts, 1 tablespoon almonds, 1 handful of marshmallows, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, grated ginger, 1/2 grated lemon zest, 3 tablespoons of wheat


Knead flour, margarine, sugar, baking powder, lemon zest, oil and rice milk to form a soft ball. Roll out the dough in a lightly greased baking tray and bake at 170° C for 20 minutes.
Blend tofu until creamy, then add the sultanas previously soaked in hot water, pine nuts, almonds, candied peel, cinnamon, lemon zest, sugar and finally the grain previously soaked 24 hours and then cooked it on low heat, rice milk for about fifteen minutes. Mix together.
Having laid out the 3/4 of the dough in a baking pan, versarvici the dough, by being open over the strips obtained from the remaining dough.
Bake for about 30 minutes at 200° c.

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(Thanks to Loris)

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usate il grano cotto (si fa molto prima). inoltre suggerisco di non usare il lievito per la pasta frolla.

- mel4tonin -

Consiglierei una dose inferiore di cannella: in quella che ho fatto io ha coperto il sapore della scorza di limone.

- Angela V -

in una pastiera degna di questo nome NON si mette il lievito!!!

- rosanna -

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