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Cream of leeks


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For 4 people: 400 g of leeks-2 potatoes-1 l of water-olive oil-1 tsp prepared vegetable broth powder-salt-pepper


Peel and wash the leeks, cutting them lengthwise to facilitate cleaning the inside.
Cut into thin slices and sauté in the oil. Add the potatoes, already washed, peeled and thinly sliced, too.
Add the water, the exalter powder, salt and pepper and cook for about 25-30 minutes with the lid.
Blend until desired consistency and serve warm with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and some toast.

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Questa ricetta è tratta dal libro: 
il più completo ricettario di cucina vegan

di Emanuela Barbero, Alessandro Cattelan, Annalaura Sagramora
© Edizioni Sonda

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lasciate via le patate e l`olio, aggiungete a fine cottura un po´di panna. (NDR: panna di soia!)

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