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Penne with cauliflower


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For 4 persons: 200 g Penne-400 g cauliflower-150 grams of tomato-onion-half a clove of garlic-a handful of Basil-a pinch of cayenne pepper-half ladle of vegetable broth -2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil-Salt


1) boil the cauliflower florets in salted water or steamed.
2) lightly brown the onion and garlic in oil thinly sliced.
3) add the red pepper, the tomato and sauté.
4) after being drained, add the cauliflower florets and mix very well.
5) add the broth and let it consume low heat.
6) Meanwhile you will cook the pasta in boiling salted water.
7) Once drained the pasta, joins the sauce. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped Basil.

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(Thanks to Giancarlo C.)

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Le cime di cavolfiore non le lesserei, ma le farei rosolare in padella con olio e cipolla: vengono piu' gustose!

- Carmen -

Ancora più buone se al sughetto si aggiunge qualche pinolo e un po' di uvetta secca

- sara -

al posto dei filetti di pomodoro userei dei pomodori secchi sott`olio

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