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Pine nut crunchies


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100 g pine nuts-100 g sugar-lemon juice-oil


Place the pine nuts in boiling water for a few minutes, then drain and toast them in a skillet, stirring constantly to prevent burning.
Chop coarsely now.
In a pan, melt the sugar in a little water, put on a high heat and bring to a boil.
As it begins to form a foam on the surface, reduce the heat to low and add the lemon juice and pine nuts; If you want to get softer, you can add the croquette margarine or oil.
Let it go for a few minutes, stirring constantly.
Spread the mixture onto a solid surface previously greased and smooth it down. Before they harden completely cut it with a knife (the knife must be greased as otherwise the knife soon will become useless because of the caramelized sugar). Take time to cool the crisps and serve.

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Ho tagliuzzato i croccantini poi li ho passati nel cioccolato fondente e li ho messi nei pirottini dopo averli fatti freddare.

- Vittoria -

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