Ginger biscuits
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200 gr flour – 110 gr margarine-100 g sugar-1 teaspoon of ginger powder-100 grams of molasses
for sugar glaze: 3 tablespoons powdered sugar- 1 teaspoon water
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and line a mold of cm. 20 x 20 with a sheet of wax paper.
Mix in a bowl all the ingredients until they are well blended and the dough has acquired a homogenous color.
Roll out the dough on a floured surface into a 1/2 cm thick cira and browse using molds from the Christmas drawing cut out cookies.
Cook for 20 minutes until they get a nice golden color and the kitchen is invaded by a delicious smell.
Remove from the oven and let cool.
Prepare the sugar frosting rather dense with the icing sugar and a little water and, using a homemade cone made with paper towels, decorated with your fantasy your cookies.
Sono i famosi ginger biscuits che vengono preparati solo a Natale. Potete fare un albero di Natale molto originale, appendendo ai suoi rami questi biscotti. In questo caso fate un foro nella pasta cruda in modo da potervi passare un nastrino.
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