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Seitan (homemade) - (1)


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500 g of wheat flour
1 glass of organic powdered
1 tsp ginger
1 tsp shoyu
1.5 cm of kombu seaweed
fresh water


Mix the flour with the water so the dough is very soft and watery, worked just enough to form well.
You give them the rough shape of a sphere.
We support it so in a tureen whose edge has to exceed the height of the dough and fill soup bowl with water to cover well all the dough.
Let rest for 45-50 minutes.
We open a very thin stream of water in the kitchen sink, gently pry up the mixture to soak and, holding it between the hands, we start to work it gently under water.
The flour starts to drop the starch, which runs off with water giving her the characteristic white color.
The starch may be accumulated drain water, decanted, dried and reused in a thousand ways.
After a long time that you work the dough, the bran begins to fall wet.
When the water is less banche (i.e. the starch begins to finish), it can increase a little the Jet of water to speed up the process. Continue to knead the dough, that increasingly takes on the spongy texture of seitan.
The bran continues to go out more and more plentiful (be careful not to obstruct the exhaust: you can use a filter and clean it once in a while); when it comes out just more bran can still increase the water jet.
After processing by hand what remains is just the gluten, which is the non-soluble protein fraction of wheat.
At this point we put a liter of water in a pot, add shoyu and the seaweed and of course the seitan.
Bring to a boil and let cook at least 40 minutes; in the last minutes of cooking add the ginger.

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Once cooled, seitan can be kept in fridge in water and shoyu for a few days.
(Thanks to Stefano)

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mi hanno detto che per non farlo venire troppo spugnoso si puo' cuocere il seitan avvolto in un panno

- V.T.K. -

Si puo' surgelare il seitan preparato in casa?

- ale73 -

Sì, si può surgelare.

- Manu -

vi mando il link di una ricetta su youtube,che riutilizza l acqua del primo risciaquo per preparare noodles senza glutine..!
io non l ho ancora provata (mi accingo a farlo) ma mi e´piaciuta l idea di non buttare via tutto quell´impasto!

- clau -

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