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Breaded seitan stew with sage


This translation has been done by an automatic system, therefore we apologize if it isn't perfect. If you find any mistake or you have any suggestion for a better translation, please contact us.


One or two slices of grilled seitan (is already sold in packs of 4-5 slices) per person, sage, breadcrumbs (or wheat flour), oat milk (or soy or rice milk), olive oil


Put a little olive oil in a pan.
Pass the slices of seitan in milk and then in breadcrumbs (or flour), then brown them in a pan on both sides for a few minutes.
Together with the seitan fried also put a handful of sage leaves (which will become crispy), which will give their aroma to the breaded seitan.
Serve with a salad of rucola (or other green salad) and some ripe tomatoes.

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(Thanks to Marina Berati per la segnalazione)

Ricetta tratta da Cucina e Salute

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la proverò..sicuramente buona,per il solo fatto di nn mangiare carne!!!!!!!!!

- calena -

buonissimo il seitan cucinato così!!! io al pangrattato ho aggiunto un pò di spezie miste e del peperoncino. e' piaciuto tantissimo anke ai nn veg :-)

- sandy -

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