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Almond milk, raw and homemade


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shelled almonds, not roasted
for sweetening (optional): one teaspoon of sucanat or a date or a tablespoon of raisins


Soak for one night the shelled almonds and not roasted: in this way the almonds become more digestible and nutritious because they start to germinate, and the skin comes off easily.
Remove the skins, mix with cold water or warm slightly until the almonds are reduced to a pulp then filter it through a sieve, it more or less like in this video: http://www.youtube.com/user/ValeDocet#p/u/20/pnlFdflrGm8.
What remains can be blended with a little more water to extract more "milk" and be added to the first and obviously the dust that remains goes to waste but can be reused in other recipes!
Is a beverage piled high with a very natural scent and aroma and good!
You can drink or sweeten, but not too much because otherwise she covers the flavor of almonds. I for one litre of milk of almonds add just a teaspoon of sucanat, but you can also add a date or raisins when blend!
yummy ...

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(Thanks to Agnese)

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