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Basmati rice with vegetables


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For 4 people
300 g Basmati rice
100 g Zucchini soda
100 g small carrot and soda
1 shallot
1 clove of garlic
salt and pepper
1 tsp chopped parsley
1/2 teaspoon curry powder
4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons of Apple Cider vinegar


Cook until al dente in salted water to a boil on Basmati rice.
Drain and pass it quickly under cold running water.
While rice is cooking, pour the oil in a wok and heat over high heat.
Crush the garlic, mince the shallot and add it.
Combine the vegetables, trim, wash and go to the mandolin making of long strands.
Brown over high heat, while maintaining control and always stirring with a wooden fork.
When the vegetables are lightly colored, add 50 g of water to cooking rice with curry loose inside.
Just combine the vinegar dries.
Season with salt and pepper.
When the vinegar has evaporated, pour the rice and simmer briskly shaking the wok.
Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.

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N.B. Il riso Basmati può essere sostituito egregiamente dal riso... per insalate, per capirci! Anche per venire incontro all'economia!!

(Thanks to Anna)

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ricetta gustosa, oltre alle spezie della ricetta ho aggiunto dello zenzero. Al posto della semplice acqua di cottura del riso ho aggiunto alle verdure del brodo vegetale unito al curry

- ausilia -

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