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Apple strudel (1)


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For 10 people: 1 package of frozen puff pastry from 500 gr-1 kg of apples-100 g margarine-100 g almonds clean-80 gr of raisins-50 g pine nuts-1 tablespoon sugar-1/2 cup of grated rind of one lemon-brandy-1 pinch ground cinnamon--2 tablespoons bread crumbs (optional)


Thaw the dough at room temperature for at least 1 hour, then roll out carefully by trying to pull it a little to increase the size and make it thin.
Then brush them with a little melted margarine, to which you can add a thin layer of bread crumbs.
Then prepare the filling.
Peel and cut apples into slices into a bowl with raisins (previously soaked in water), sugar, pine nuts, almonds, grated lemon peel, cinnamon.
Mix everything together and pour the brandy to macerate for 1/2 hour, leaving.
Place the stuffing in the center of the rolled out pastry and shut it again, overlapping the edges of about 3 cm.
Brush with a little melted margarine, place on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and bake in oven at 180° for 45/50 minutes.
Let cool and serve sliced.

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Lo strudel può essere preparato anche con altra frutta, diversa dalle mele (es. pere, albicocche o frutta tropicale mista)

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lo strudel si fa con la pasta matta no conn quella sfoglia

- fulvia -

Fulvia, lo strudel si può fare con vari tipi di impasto e vari ripieni. Se proprio vogliamo prendere la ricetta altoatesina (che io adoro!!) si fa con pasta frolla...ma poi dipende dai gusti

- Marina -

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