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Cream of sunflower seeds


This translation has been done by an automatic system, therefore we apologize if it isn't perfect. If you find any mistake or you have any suggestion for a better translation, please contact us.


Quantity of ingredients to your liking:
sunflower seeds
parsley (or other spice to taste)
oil (enough to make beautiful dense cream)


Put in blender: sunflower seeds, garlic, chilli, parsley, salt and oil needed to make it all nice creamy.

You can use it in countless ways.

Some examples:
• vegetable soups
• for pasta with tomato or other vegetables added
• as a base for crostini
You can indulge your fancy.

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(Thanks to Paola G.)

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Provata ieri: OTTIMA! Per renderla un po' meno calorica e più cremosa la ho alleggerita con qualche cucchiaino di yogurt di soia bianco!

- anonimo -

i semi di girasole devono essere attivati lavandoli molte volte, e ponendoli in ammollo per lo meno per 24 ore

- raffaela -

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