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Carrot soup with ginger


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For 4/6 people
1 kg carrots
2 white onions
1 potato
3 cm fresh ginger root
2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
25 gr of margarine
2 liter of vegetable stock


Clean and cut the onion into thin slices, diced ginger and diced potato.
Peel the carrots and cut it into sticks. Sauté the onion in a pan with oil, adding a spoonful of broth to prevent them darkening, then add carrots, ginger, potato, salt and pepper.
Cover with the broth and let simmer until the vegetables are undone.
Transfer everything to the mixer for a few seconds and dilute if necessary with more broth.
Mantecatete with margarine and garnish with bits of ginger kept aside and a few leaves of parsley before serving.

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Ciao, io l'ho provata senza margarina, un cucchiaio o 2 in + di olio, buonissima!

- Tiziana -

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