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Falafel (2)


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For 4 people: 400 g of chick peas previously soaked and drained (or with chickpeas can also use Fava Beans) 1 large white onion, chopped-2 or-3 cloves of garlic-1 bunch of parsley-2 teaspoons ground cumin 1 tablespoon very finely-chopped coriander-pepper-a little lemon juice (optional)-salt-flour (only if the dough is too thin)


Put to soak the chickpeas overnight.
Drain them, put them in a blender and mix.
Chop separately-by hand on an axis from the kitchen--the onion, garlic, parsley, coriander and cumin.
Combine all ingredients to prepare the mixture of chickpeas in a food processor, add a pinch of salt and mix very thoroughly.
Pour the mixture into a bowl and let rest in the refrigerator for about 30-60 minutes.
Remove from the refrigerator and, with the help of a spoon, form small balls low and medium sized flat. If the mixture is too liquid to form meatballs, add a little flour.
At this point you can fry the polettine on both sides in a pan with a little oil boiling or brown them in an oven preheated to 200° C, previously.

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I falafel possono essere gustati sia caldi che freddi e possono essere serviti su un letto di insalata, oppure con del pane pita o, ancora, con pane tostato, verdure, hummus, yogurt di soia.

Thanks to Emanuela Barbero, webmaster di Vegan3000 e autrice di libri di cucina vegan

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...anche se dorate in forno, consiglio di ungere leggermente (ma veramente poco) carta forno o teglia con dell'olio (o chi per lui). Davvero pochissimo, magari passandoci un tovagliolino leggermente imbevuto. Altrimenti si rischia che degli strati di Falafel rimangano incollati e sbruciacchiati adddosso alla teglia/carta forno.

- BioBombKid: -

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