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Tempeh with red radicchio


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250 grams of temeph-250 g of red radicchio--a dash of shoyu (soy sauce) 4 tablespoons corn oil (or sesame)-1/2 lemon peel and juice


Cut the tempeh in matches or into cubes approximately 1/2 cm and sprinkle with shoyu, letting it take good for about 10 minutes (at least).
Wash and cut thinly the chicory.
Skip the tempeh in oil in a frying pan until it is golden.
Stir, add the radicchio, stir and cook for about a minute, until the radicchio is not cooked.
Add the grated lemon peel and juice, stir one last time and serve.

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Ricetta tratta da "La sana gola".

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Miscelare,in una zuppiera,lo shoyu con il succo di limone.Versare il tempeh, ben dorato nell'olio di oliva extra vergine bio e mescolare il tutto,mettere in frigo.Servire con una bella insalata fresca di cetrioli e pomodori.

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