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Pickled onions


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For a jar of 750 gr: 1.5 kg of onions-1 liter of white vinegar--1 tablespoon sugar--1 teaspoon ground pepper tea-4 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil-Salt-2 Bay leaves


1) Dipping the onions for 1 minute in boiling water, drain them and pass them immediately in cold water. Delete the top with scissors and Peel, making sure you don't Cook.
2) pour the vinegar in a stainless steel saucepan, add the sugar, bay leaf, pepper, oil and a small handful of salt.
3) bring to a boil, dip the onions and leave to cook for three minutes since the resumption of the boil. Turn off and let cool.
4) place the onions in the pot by filling it until about two fingers from rim. Cover them with the cooking liquid and if it wasn't enough, add more vinegar made first boil and then cool. Close and keep cool.

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(Thanks to Giancarlo C.)

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A cosa servono i 4 cucchiai di olio d'oliva?

- Barbara -

Una domanda stupida: a cosa servono 4 cucchiai d'olio evo, se poi non lo si usa nello svolgimento della ricetta?

- Roby -

L'olio va aggiunto nel punto 2 della preparazione.

- A. -

quanto durano questi vasetti chiusi?

- Lalica -

Non si cuociono troppo lasciare le cipolline nel liquido di cottura fino a quando si è raffreddato? Grazie

- Laura -

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