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Beans in tomato sauce


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For 4 people: fresh beans kg. 1.5; tomatoes gr. 500; an onion; oil; 1 stalk of celery; 1 bay leaf; 1 carrot; broth (also of nut) lt 0.5; salt; pepper


Prepare a mixture with the onion, carrot, celery and fry gently in an earthenware dish with a little oil until the vegetables are slightly softened. Add tomatoes ground into small pieces, lauro, beans and broth. Cover and let simmer over low heat for about 2 hours, stirring often to prevent the beans from sticking. When all this will be narrowed served at the table.

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semplice e buona
ma perchè a volte i fagioli induriscono con il pomodoro?

- rita decastello -

Sicura sia col pomodoro? Io so che faticano a cuocere se il sale si mette subito, bisognerebbe salare alla fine. Invece un pezzetto d'alga agevola la cottura

- Marina -

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