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Updates to this site do not have a fixed schedule
as they are based on the voluntary contribution
of the staff and of the occasional collaborators.

The news and recipes published are based on availability
and are without any constraint of timing and periodicity,
therefore they do not constitute element to characterize the site as a newspaper,
pursuant to art. 1 , n. 3 of the Law 7 March 2001 n. 62 ,

as interpreted by art. 7, n. 3 of Legislative Decree 9 April 2003, n. 70.

This website does not process personal data according to Law 196/2003.

Regarding the recipes and the information contained on this website,
we are not responsible in any way for any error, omission, excess or insufficient quantity,
oven exploded, indigestion or whatever. :-)


Therefore you cook and taste each recipe at your own risk and danger:
the most common risk is the indigestion from excessive eating!


Enjoy your meal !!


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This translation has been done by an automatic system, therefore we apologize if it isn't perfect. If you find any mistake or you have any suggestion for a better translation, please Staff Vegan3000

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